Sunday, May 28, 2017

July 2017- #CUBSCOUTS

# CUBSCOUTS/Friendly
Image result for hashtag

Create a two lists: text message abbreviations and abbreviation meanings.
Example:  LOL       Laugh Out Loud
TTYL     Talk to you later
Cut the abbreviations and meanings into cards and distribute to the group.
Ask the group to find their other half.


Interest topic

Image result for hashtag cubscouts

Breakout Tiger/Wolf
Recruiting book marks for the whole pack

Breakout Bear/Webelos/AOL
Open house activities 

Image result for open house ideas for cub scout pack recruiting

Image result for open house ideas for cub scout pack recruiting

Image result for open house ideas for cub scout pack recruiting


See you September 14th as we kick off a new year of Cub Scouting together.  Come get new ideas and make new friends!

June 2017-Let the games begin

Let the Games Begin/Trustworthy

Divide group into teams.  Instruct teams to create a team name, a logo, and a yell.  Have the teams present their team info.

Scout camp / campfire skits:
Training for the Olympics

Personnel: Cubmaster, Coach, 3 Cub Scouts
Setting: training of Cub Scout athletes
Leader: (Sets the stage) This is a typical day in the training of our Cub Scout athletes.
Coach: Time to get up!
Cub 1: I'm tired, I didn't go to bed until 10.
Coach: You know the rules about lots of rest. Now eat your breakfast.
Cub 2: (Sits slouched over his food, shoveling it in)
Coach: Sit up straight and don't gobble your food.
Cub 3: We're going to be outside. (Scouts walk across the stage and start exercising)
Coach: Okay, boys, that's enough. Hit the showers.
All Cubs: Do we have to? (they all continue to grumble)
Coach: It's either that or this- (the boys start to run into the crowd saying "No, No!"
The coach chases the boys with a bucket. When the boys are in the crowd he throws
 the bucket of confetti into the crowd.)

Pack activity

Tiger/Wolf Breakout
Tiger-Tiger Tag
Wolf-Paws of Skill

Image result for olympic torch craft

Bear/Webelos/AOL Breakout
Bear-Marble Madness
Webelos/AOL- Sportsman

Image result for medal making craft for the olympics

May 2017-Roaming Reptile Alert

Roaming Reptile Alert    Image result for reptiles


Pack activity

Tiger-Backyard jungle
Wolf-Grow Something

Breakout-Bear, Webelos, AOL
Bear-Fur, feather, ferns
Webelos/AOL-Into the Wild


Image result for reptiles

Cub Scout Roundtable June 8th at Waggoner Park at 7pm
Cookout!  We provide the meat you provide the rest and bring your best dessert too!